Sunday, June 29, 2014

Celluloid Critique Start

I love watching movies. Sometimes, I feel like I'm Michael Bolton from the Lonely Island Song Jack Sparrow. As I accidentally (or on purpose) talk about movies all the time. 

So, I thought, why not just do a critique of movies on a blog? That way I can keep track of movies I liked or not, and when a person asks if I like I film or not, I could just direct them to my blog. Lifelong dream of being a movie critique HERE IT IS! Your welcome, six year old self. 
I will consider four things when I either YAY or NAY a film. First, I will consider the characters/actors, second will be plot, third will be the music, and the fourth will be camera work/cinematography. IMDb is quite good at what they do but I just wanted to state my own opinions, because let's face it, movies that the Oscar committee and Golden Globe committee love or hate, are often wrong. (Just give Leonardo DiCaprio his OSCAR!) 
If you want a movie to be critiqued, put it in the comments box below. Have a serendipitous day! Annnnd I hope you will enjoy or at least consider my opinions to movies. But hey, it's your life so it's up to you if you will watch a movie or not. I ain't the movie police. (Though I should be as I would probably look like this > Not THAT movie!)

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