Friday, August 29, 2014

Winter's Bone

On a Scale of 1-10 With 10 Being the Best
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Plot: A 17-year-old girl named Ree, is basically raising her family when one day she receives troubling news. Her drug-addicted dad missed his court date which means her house will be taken as his bail. She has to travel across the town, located in the Ozark Mountains, to find him. She runs into trouble with those who used to sell drugs or buy drugs from her dad later on and a mystery has to be solved, Where is Ree's dad? This movie is labeled a "thriller" but consider it more of a drama. The pace at the beginning of this movie is the same throughout the film, which is not a thriller quality.

Characters/Actors of Note:
Jennifer Lawrence playing Ree: I am kind of noticing a trend with Jennifer's characters. They are usually dry, non-emotional, and talk pretty quiet. You can see this in Silver Lining Playbook, The Hunger Games, and the X-Men: Days of Future Past. I wasn't too awestruck with this character and actually found a lot of the characters to be the same way. They are all quiet, country, with some trashy nature in them. I do like Jennifer Lawrence but this performance just wasn't anything new to me. She didn't have much dialogue to go off of and you understood that she was desperate and determined, just like her other characters. Sorry, Jennifer I just wasn't impressed. 
John Hawkes playing Teardrop: This character was different from the others, kind of. Teardrop is Ree's uncle. He was country, quiet, and trashy, and he was addicted to drugs. What I liked about this character is that he went from this rude lone wolf, to a less rude father figure for Ree. When Ree was in trouble, he found her and got her out. Then he helped her solve the problem and later got chicks (Not ladies but baby chickens) as a gift for the family. At the end, Ree offers him an object which he denies as he is on a mission that he may not come back from, which shows he is finally taking responsibility. This character grew in at least one aspect and the other characters did not. That is why he is my favorite character in this movie.

Music: The only times they had music in this movie was when people were actually playing and singing it. Otherwise this movie was dead silent. It wasn't too bad without it though and the music they had was Southern, which I like. I hate when movies have that scary violin music when something is about to happen and the silence prevented that from happening. I suppose the point was to just focus on the story and not the mood.

Camera Work/Cinematography: This movie is very much grey and blue. It is supposed to be winter during this time and it doesn't really snow there. It kind of gets icy and wet and I guess the cinematographers wanted the audience to feel like they were in winter. I got tired of those colors though and at times got bored with the movie. It just didn't catch your eye. Although, when the story is about trashy people, I suppose it isn't supposed to catch your eye.

The movie is dark and cold to look at. It isn't as much as a thriller as it is labeled, there are no chase scenes between the villain and bad guy (as there isn't really a bad guy). There are no clues to find. There are no real people to get information from. What there is, is a story about a girl who is trying to keep her family together despite all the frustrations of others and her own frustrating qualities (such as not having a car to drive). I liked the uncle and niece relationship as it grew. This movie also wasn't predictable and it didn't get stupid with, "I shall avenge my father! Roar!" Ree did what was needed to be done to keep her family together. I'd watch it again but for the drama aspect. 
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Thursday, August 28, 2014


On a Scale of 1-10 With 10 Being the Best
*Seal of Approval*
Courtesy of Pinterest
Plot: This story is about Jackie Robinson who was chosen to play baseball, because he was black. The Baseball Executive decides it's high time that a predominately white sport has a black baseball player much to the surprise and hatred of many. The movie goes through Jackie Robinson's, and his wife's, experience through the first integration of baseball. The film has a pretty rocky start and as it was so choppy that I thought it was later in years than it actually was but it is a nice film, a good flick to watch with the family!

Characters/Actors of Note:
Chadwick Boseman playing Jackie Robinson: I loved this character a lot. This story is based off of a true story, if one is reaaaaally that unknown to baseball, of Jackie Robinson. This character had to be strong against racism and was made to understand that he was fighting these bigoted people, not lying down but by lying down. Jackie was told when he signed that he would face horrible comments, slurs, and even death threats and that he couldn't let his temper get to him. He had to let those things pass and not scream or punch back. Jackie Robinson had to act like the Ghandi of baseball and he did it! How cool is that? All those that did horrible things to Jackie were known as racists losers and did lose a lot of fans for their hatred. This actor did a great job as Jackie, in my opinion. First of all, he looked like a baseball player. He had long arms and looked as physically strong as a baseball player (they showed off his chest several times in the movie). Every time he stole a base, I was cheering him on as if I were watching a real game. Chadwick also had a wonderful connection to the actress playing his wife. I never thought it was over-the-top or cheesy. They had a wholesome and cute marriage from the actor portrayal I saw. Also, he handled playing a well-known historical person awesomely. 
Harrison Ford playing Branch Rickey: If you have ever seen Indiana Jones or Star Wars, forget that Harrison Ford because this guy was different. Branch Rickey is a man of God who often says thought provoking things to others. When Jackie doesn't want to play, Branch says that Jesus took blows without hitting back. When a coach won't play the Dodgers because of Jackie, Branch asks him if he died and went to Heaven and God asked him why he didn't play on that date, and the reason was racism, he didn't know if God would let him through the gate. Some may not like that but they have to think that back in 1946, Christianity was practiced by everyone, so everyone could understand those metaphors and their weight. I loved the quietness Harrison gave this character. He had a deep gravely voice but never really shouted or got too excited and that I liked. 
Nicole Beharie playing Rachel Robinson: I also loved this character. Rachel Robinson was classy but was like her husband in that, she wasn't afraid of racism. In one scene she marches straight into a White Only Ladies Room without even thinking about it or listening to her husband. You also realize, that Rachel Robinson had to worry about racism just as much as her husband, as her and her family could have been harmed. She received just as many threats and was not worried. She still went out to the games, still had babysitters, and still went on walks with her husband. Their relationship was so cool to watch as her victory was his, and his struggle was her struggle, and their love just grew. Nice to see a marriage not crumble to bits or be completely smutty with sex scenes. Lots of kisses and hugs and for that, I love.

Music: At times I thought it got hokey with the 1940s music and other times I was really into it. I felt orchestra pieces were more in need in this film. The song I enjoyed the most was during the credits called, "Did you see Jackie Robinson Hit that Ball?" So perhaps I'm just a hypocrite. 
Camera Work/Cinematography: When the movie starts, it looks pretty choppy. It's scene cut after scene cut which was distracting to me and it made me think that there were time jumps, which there weren't any actually. They also started the movie with the stereotypical yellow dirty thirties background color. Later they took it out and replaced the yellow with greens, blues, and reds. During this middle time there was more flow between scenes and you knew where it was going. At the end of the movie they kind of went back to the choppy look by going from the field, to the Baseball Executive, to his wife, to the crowd. I would have liked if they just stayed on the baseball field! I liked the brightness of the film and how the colors worked with one another, when those colors weren't mostly yellow that is.

The movie comes off choppy but I enjoyed the cast and the story line. I thought this movie was family friendly and cute. At first, I was wary of this movie thinking, "Okay, am I going to be thrown into a scary slur and beat up watching movie?" Gladly, I was not. Those were there, as that was the point! Jackie Robinson was asked into baseball to fight off racism, to be called those things, and then rise above them by not playing their rules. He played the rules of baseball and that is was mattered. I wouldn't put this movie as another "inspirational sports movie" as IMDb does. I put it down as a movie like The Natural. A classic baseball movie.

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Monday, August 11, 2014

Winter's Tale

On a Scale of 1-10 With 10 Being the Best
Image Courtesy of Etsy
Plot: Peter Lake finds himself deeply in love with a dying woman, named Beverly Penn. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! Peter Lake is a thief that used to work for an evil demon named Pearly Soames and now that demon is after Peter due to his "miracle". Essentially, devils don't want people to die with their "miracles" acted out as they will go to heaven. Pearly plans to kill Peter and anyone else to prevent him preforming his miracle. The movie takes a turn on whose miracle will save who. This movie is sadly predictable and the movie seems to jump from place to place (and time periods) but I thought it was so pretty and cute that I may watch it again.
*Note that this is based off a book so much of the cool details were probably taken out.* P.S. This is not based off the Shakespeare play like I thought. The book is written by Mark Helprin.

Characters/Actors of Note:
Colin Farrel playing Peter Lake: I think Mr. Colin Farrel did a fairly good acting job. His character is trying to find out his real purpose. This is reinforced when he loses his memory later on in this film. I kind of missed as to why Colin Farrel chose to give his character such a thick Irish accent when he was raised in America since he was a baby. I also didn't quite understand how Colin didn't figure out his former employer was a demon and also how a mortal even works for demons without selling his soul or something.  This character didn't have enough back story to really make sense. I do think that Colin Farrel's emotions with his lady-love were appropriate and not over the top. Much appreciated.
Jessica Brown Findlay playing Beverly Penn: Ms. Jessica Brown Findlay does a lot of narration for this film and I loved it and I'm glad they chose her instead of Colin to do the narrations. Her dialogue was great and easily quotable. She was also slightly British which makes me happy as everyone loves a British accent!  (Except the one British accent with the 'r' sound when there is no r in the word. That's annoying to me.) I thought she played her character as a loving and gentle soul well and it was very easy to like her character. 
Russel Crowe playing Pearly Soames: Holy snot rockets was this guy scary. I personally HATE it when characters faces change to something scary and he does it a couple of times during this film. His pure unadulterated hate for Peter is evident and the way he loves to kill makes me want to do this...
A new found fear has been sparked for me for this usually heroic actor. I like how Mr. Russel Crowe has decided to stretch is acting skill wings (Yes, that is an reference to this film) and decided to play a pretty scary guy.

Music: The tones and score for this film was sweet and loving, with the occasional scary sounds for the villains. It was so-so. 

Camera Work/Cinematography: This movie used lens flares, CGI, and textures to give this film a very pretty look. Some of it though, was not necessary or too over the top. For example, Peter Lake has a horse in the movie and let's just say that during some parts the horse looks way too...flashy. I also thought this film was too fast and jumped too often. I almost wish that two different movies were made. One with Peter Lake and Beverly and the second with Peter Lake in the year 2014. I feel, without reading the book, that a lot of details and important clues were cut from the film. 

This movie was quite adorable from the little girl, to the relationship, and the "miracles." It was predictable and at times too flashy. I would watch it again but probably never own it. Those who love romances will probably love this and those who don't will probably give it an "eh" rating as well. 

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Monday, August 4, 2014

The Verdict

On a scale of 1-10 With 10 Being the Best
Gif courtesy of Pinterest
Plot: An alcoholic lawyer, named Frank Galvin, whose only income is making money off of being an "ambulance chaser" has his life changed when his friend Micky Morrissey gives him an "easy" case. The case is a woman who is brain dead thanks to the negligence of a doctor. Frank is ready to pick up his settlement check to keep this horrific news out of the papers and the hospital's name clear, until his conscience changes his mind. Frank now has to fight a major hospital and an esteemed law firm in order to appease his morality and perhaps give himself honor.

Characters/Actors of Note: 
Paul Newman playing Frank Galvin: This character was quite interesting. He was going to funerals begging for cases, his office was a mess, and he was essentially alone. The watcher learns what his back story was that caused his alcoholism and lack of hope in the justice system. Paul Newman's voice has more low tones to it, giving this character a grave mood. I enjoyed the end of this movie as he trades places with someone that sued to be as desperate as him, which makes the watcher understand that he is changed for the better. This character never gives inspirational speeches and often does the wrong actions but despite it all, Frank isn't too disheartened and knows that he is fighting for the right side. 
James Mason playing Ed Concannon: This villain is the typical posh rich guy with the mustache. Everyone hates him right off the bat and all the underhanded tricks he uses makes me frustrated. I thought James Mason's posh voice gives the right effect as it reminded me an overbearing father. He was in charge, he was experienced, and he knew the tricks. Ed Concannon never backed down and when he had the chance to go easy on Frank, hits him in the gut... metaphorically speaking. I thought the legal fight he put up was refreshing from today's theater and for that I commend him.

Music: I actually don't remember the movie having any music but it was there! This is a good sign though, as the music blended in well with the film to the point that I didn't notice it. So I suppose, good on you Johnny Mandel!

Camera Work/Cinematography: Movies made in the 1980s are blurry due to the way filming was done at that time. There were moments of sharpness though. The effect I noticed the most were the use of shadows. This created depth and brought us into Frank Galvin's mind. Frank was in a dark place himself and the shadows and darkness made us see his situation. I noticed that the court sessions had the most light as that was the only place Frank could find a way out of his sad past.

I thought this film was a nice change from today's cinema. I liked seeing an intellectual battle instead of a physical one. It wasn't too complex in the legal terms either which makes it easy to understand. The acting was quite good and the way the director brings us to Frank's miseries and then brought us out, which was great. It is a good law movie to watch with anyone in my opinion. I think it's similar to this other great law movie
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Sunday, August 3, 2014


On a scale of 1-10 with 10 Being the Best
Image courtesy of Pinterest
Plot: If you know the board game, you will have a basis of this movie. It has all the characters that the board game does plus a few more! The film starts with all the characters coming to a mysterious dinner party (hence the picture above) with the butler and the maid who seem to know what's going on. Immediately, the new character Mr. Boddy dies (The first body found is from the guy named Boddy? Coincidence?) and, like the game, you try to figure out who done it! This film has a lot of jokes, is light, and overall pretty fun to watch.  

Characters/Actors of Note:
Tim Curry playing Wadsworth: Tim Curry is one of my favorite actors as he is so fun to watch. He gets pretty excited when he acts and his accent makes me smile. Having him play the butler was absolutely the right choice as he brought the humor to the end of the movie, which could have been taken way to seriously if anyone else tried to do it. 
*PLEASE NOTE* That the other actors were good but none of them really got the chance to shine and do their own thing so it I didn't critique those actors. 

Music: The music in this movie was so CORNY but it was also great. The music was a balance between suspense and jolly good fun as it had to be both light and funny with deaths. I kind of picture the composer was writing songs for a horror movie but was a part time clown. The actual composer is John Morris, who did the music for most of the Mel Brooks movies if that gives you an idea of how it sounds. 

Camera Work/Cinematography:  Since this was made in 1985 the film quality isn't too great. The camera work was not the best and I wasn't expecting it to as this is a thriller-comedy which are usually pretty cheesy. Most the of time the colors were pretty dark and the lines weren't very defined.

This movie was so fun to watch. It kept me guessing and the end was so perfect. If you want to watch a comedy that is clean and engaging, this is for you. Though you may need a grater, because this movie is so cheesy

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